Brasil e Portugal dão show em ciência na Conferencia Mundial da Malásia

“Um projeto de parceria entre o Brasil e Portugal para incentivar e apoiar novas pesquisas de guarda-vidas e nadadores salvadores de língua portuguesa, visando a Conferência Mundial de Prevenção de Afogamentos (WCDP), na Malásia de 4 a 6 de novembro de 2015, foi desenvolvido e aplicado através da IDRA – International Drowning Research Alliance, fundada por um grupo de investigadores dedicados à pesquisa sobre afogamento com o objetivo principal de desenvolver e apoiar a investigação nesta área.

O apoio financeiro e de parceria foi conseguido por alguns dos membros para contratar 2 peritos consultores na área para motivar e ajudar guarda-vidas e nadadores salvadores a: encontrar uma questão de pesquisa boa com base nas suas necessidades diárias; estruturar um plano de protocolo ou de pesquisa para o estudo; recolher dados; debater adequadamente o tópico e tentar chegar a uma conclusão que poderá vir a ajudá-los durante suas funções.

Todo o apoio foi realizado em Português e só após o acordo de todos foi o resumo traduzido para Inglês pelos consultores, a língua oficial da conferência.

Cerca de 305 resumos foram submetidos à “Word Conference on Drowning Prevention – 2015″, com 200 aceites para apresentação oral / poster. A parceria Brasil-Portugal apresentou 37 trabalhos na primeira ronda de submissões e 36 foram aceites. Isto representa 18,5% de todos os resumos submetidos. Um total de 15 autores diferentes e 35 co-autores diferentes foram envolvidos e daqueles 17 participaram pela primeira vez em sua carreira de guarda-vidas e nadadores salvadores num projeto como este.

Os assuntos dos trabalhos foram bem distribuídos pelos 5 tópicos da conferência apresentando questões relevantes, com 9 sendo levantadas pela primeira vez.

Desde a primeira conferência científica organizada pela ILS, muito tem sido realizado na ciência do afogamento, partindo de uma perspectiva exclusivamente médica para um conteúdo muito mais amplo e inclusivo com temas que vão desde a prevenção, salvamento, parceria, alianças, questões psicológicas, cuidados pré-hospitalares e muitas outras novas questões a respeito do salvamento aquático no mundo real têm sido levantadas e respondidas.

Este novo tipo de abordagem para apoiar a ciência do afogamento liderada pela IDRA, com o apoio da SOBRASA (Brasil) e do ISN – Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos (Portugal) tem mostrado que muito pode ser feito para motivar os guarda-vidas e nadadores salvadores para trabalharem na sua própria língua para desenvolverem e implementarem projectos de investigação sobre afogamento e abriu uma nova e importante porta para muitas questões reais em relação às necessidades diárias destes profissionais.”

Tivemos 24 apresentações orais, 16 posteres e 2 “Co-chair” entre as 6 salas temáticas.

Veja abaixo a lista de PAPERS PRESENTED AT “World Conference on Drowning Prevention” Malaysia – November 2015

Queiroga AC, Leitão Nuno, Szpilman D. Drowning Science will benefit from research conducted by experienced lifeguards assisted by academics – Practical example. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p25. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4882.3769

Koon W, Szpilman D, Sempsrott J. Exploring the Use of Internet Tools for Drowning Prevention, Rescue, and Treatment. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p29. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3571.6564

Queiroga AC , Szpilman D, Bierens J, Barcala-Furelos R, Tipton M, Webber J, Sempsrott J. Multicenter Drowning registry on epidemiological, prevention, rescue and life-support data. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p31. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1474.5042

Schinda A, Szpilman D, Deitos RA. Classification of drowning deaths in the river basins of Paraná state: probable cause, activities and locations. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p46. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2785.2247

Szpilman D. Profile of drowning deaths at swimming pools and bathtubs in Brazil – A 9-years evaluation (2003-2011). World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p54. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4489.1605

Szpilman D, Schinda A, Deitos RA. Drowning profile in the state of Parana. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p57. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3964.8728

Szpilman D. Analyses of drowning deaths in Brazil over the last 34 years reveal a sharp decline. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p60. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1736.6482

Queiroga AC , Szpilman D, Bierens J, Barcala-Furelos R, Tipton M, Webber J, Sempsrott J. Establishment of the International Drowning Research Alliance – IDRA. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p61. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3702.7288

Szpilman D, Barroso PAS, Barros E, Mocellin O, Alves JFS, Smicelato CE, Trindade R, Vasconcellos MR,  Schinda A, Villela J, Silva-Júnior LMS, Morato M, Lopes W. Drowning prevention – different scenarios needs customization water safety messages and actions. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PREVENTION Section, p74. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3506.1200

Szpilman D, Barros E, SOBRASA´s Board of Director 2012-16, Brewster C, Davis P, Manino L, D´Eramo F. Drowning prevention in Flood – A cartoon video produced by SOBRASA e ILS Americas – Portuguese, English and Spanish language. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PREVENTION Section, p78. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4358.0881

Szpilman D, Vasconcellos MR, Santos A, Harouche R. POOL + SAFE – a successful drowning prevention campaign in Brazil. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PREVENTION Section, p156. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2392.0083

Szpilman D, SOBRASA´s Board of Director 2012-16. Drowning Prevention Seeders – A free web-based prevention program. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PREVENTION Section, p165. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1998.7922

Szpilman D, SOBRASA´s Board of Director 2012-16. Pool water safety signage – A Brazilian proposal. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PREVENTION Section, p178. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5013.4482

Szpilman D, SOBRASA´s Board of Director 2012-16. Water safety certification for swimming pools – A new Brazilian proposal. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PREVENTION Section, p179. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1408.9681

Schinda A, Deitos RA, Szpilman D, Carniatto I. Drowning prevention measures directed at a river basin: a new strategy. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PREVENTION Section, p181. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3440.5849

Szpilman D, Davis P, Schafer V. How can lifeguards apply reasoning and decision making to work more effectively? Problem identification, diagnostic strategies, and management decisions. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p230. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4423.6242

Szpilman D, Leitão N, Silva FB, Marques O., Queiroga AC. SURF SAVE – extending the concept from Brazil to Portugal. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p253. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4227.0165

Szpilman D, SOBRASA´s Board of Director 2012-16. Pool lifeguards’ certification – how is the education process in Brazil? World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p259. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5078.9846

Szpilman D & Smicelato CE. Quick response to maritime and riverine emergencies in Brazil – a diagnosis of maritime services. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p261. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1933.2568

Szpilman D, Smicelato CE, Pedroso JP, Mocellin O, Vilela J, Barroso PAS, Cerqueira JE, Morato M, Vasconcellos MB, Barros E, Braga F, Silva-Júnior JJ. A Brazilian water safety policy for open water swimming races. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p266. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2654.1522

Smicelato CE & Szpilman D. Rescue crafts operators – reinforcing the use of personal protective equipment. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p267. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1081.2889

Szpilman D, Webber J, Quan L, Bierens J, Morizot-Leite L, Langendorfer SJ, Beerman S, Løfgren B. Creating a new drowning chain of survival. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p286. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Silva FB, Leitão N, Marques O, Szpilman D. Role of “Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos” (ISN) in the development of lifesaving within the Portuguese-speaking countries. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p293. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2916.2962

Oliveira RB, Szpilman D, Queiroga AC, Mocellin O. START method as a triage tool for aquatic disaster situations. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DISASTER Section, p327. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4554.6968

Szpilman D. Can a lack of domestic water trigger an imminent drowning disaster? World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DISASTER Section, p338. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2457.5446

Vieira A, Szpilman D. National Security Force’s role in mitigation of aquatic disasters in Brazil. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DISASTER Section, p339. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4816.8406

Romero. Role of Lifesaving Sport events as a drowning prevention tool – case study in Brazil. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DISASTER Section, p. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

André Ferraz. Efficiency of protection laws against shark attack in the state of Pernambuco – Brazil. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DISASTER Section, p193. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

André Ferraz. Endemic study of drowning deaths in the state of Pernambuco. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DISASTER Section, p193. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Silva FB, Leitão N, Marques O. Influence of national partnerships at reducing the number of coastal drowning incidents. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PARTNERSHIPS Section, p.298 ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Marques O, Leitão N, Silva FB. SEGMAR: a data collection system to follow as example of good practice. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p.27 ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Seabra R, Queiroga AC. Wave height during the best days for beach attendance varies markedly worldwide – lessons for beach safety knowledge transfer. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p228. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Xavier P, Leal RG. Mobile Centre of Coordination and Pre-hospital Care: better working conditions, greater productivity, and increased efficiency of assistance. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, TREATMENT Section, p.321 ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Palacios-Aguilar J, Queiroga AC, Caballero-Oliver A, Castillo-Obeso M, Barcala-Furelos R, Abelairas-Gómez C. Water related deaths during 2 summer seasons in Spain. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p.31 ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Mahony A, Peden AE, Franklin R, Queiroga AC, Scarr J. Drowning deaths in older people: a 10 year analysis of drowning in people aged 50 years and over in Australia. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DATA Section, p.45 ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Queiroga AC, Farto O, Abelairas-Gómez C, Barcala-Furelos R. Professional rescuers vs. Rescue volunteers – Comparison of real and perceived skills of CPR. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, RESCUE Section, p221. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Queiroga AC, Martinho F. Relevant Social and Economic Impact of Lifesaving Social Economy Organizations worldwide. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, PARTNERSHIPS Section, p299. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Monica Rodrigues. Drowning prevention education in elementary schools. World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DISASTER Section, p192. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Icaro Greinert, Virginia Turra. Drowning mitigation in swift water situation in Parana State – Brazil.  World Conference on Drowning Prevention – ILS, Malaysia 2015, Book of Abstract, DISASTER Section, p335. ISBN: 978-0-909689-00-1.

Costa R, Mestre A. RESGATE Junior Lifeguard Educational Program – “Creating a water safety culture”: 10-year perspective of program implementation in Portugal. (não publicado no livro, mas apresentado)

Lista de participação do autor e pagina do livro
Cel Joel Prates – 266
Cel. Onir Mocellin – SC – 74, 266, 327
TC Edemilson Barros – PR – 74, 78, 266
Maj Fabio Braga – RJ – 266
Maj Antônio Schinda – PR – 46, 57, 74, 181
Dr David Szpilman – RJ – 25, 29,31, 46, 54, 57, 60, 61, 74, 78, 156, 165, 178, 179, 181, 230, 253, 259, 261, 266, 267, 286, 293, 327, 338, 339
Cap Luiz Morizot (Dunga) – USA – 286
Prof. Waltecir Lopes – SP
Sgt Juliano de Figueiredo Silvério Alves – MG – 74
Sr Jorge Evaldo Cerqueira – BA – 266
TC Alexandre Cerqueira – ES
TC Ferraz – PE – pags 193 e 268
TC Silva Junior – PA – 266
TC Luiz Monteiro Silva Júnior – RN – 74
Maj Arthur Tibério de Lacerda Vieira – PB – 339
TC Márcio Morato – DF – 74, 266
Prof. Marcelo Barros – RJ – 74, 156, 266
Cel RR Jefferson Vilela – SP – 74, 266
Cap Romero Nunes Silva Filho – PR – 170
TC Carlos Eduardo Smicelato – SP – 74, 261, 266, 267
Cmt Nuno Leitão – ISN – Marinha Portuguesa – 25, 27, 253, 293, 298
SD Monica Rodrigues – GO – 192
SubTen Olga – ISN – Portugal – 27, 253, 293, 298
Dra Ana Catarina Queiroga – Portugal – 25, 31, 43, 45, 61, 125, 221, 228, 253, 299, 327
Sr Antonio Santos – RJ – 156
Sr Renato Harouche – 156
Sr Roberto Trindade – 74
SD Rafael – SC – 327
TC Paulo André da Silva Barroso – MT – 74 e 266
Ten Ícaro Gabriel – PR – 335

Picture of Dr David Szpilman

Dr David Szpilman

Dr David Szpilman - Sócio Fundador, Ex-Presidente, Ex-Diretor Médico e atual Secretário-Geral da SOBRASA; Ten Cel Médico RR do CBMERJ; Médico do Município do Rio de Janeiro; Membro do Conselho Médico e Prevenção da International Lifesaving Federation - ILS; Membro da Câmara Técnica de Medicina Desportiva do CREMERJ.